Dear members of media,
We kindly invite you to the press-breakfast on the occasion of Corruption Park presentation by the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative.
Date: Friday, 27 April
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Location: CEO Club (Butyshev lane, 23).
The Corruption Park is the first interactive project in Ukraine, which is aimed to attract the public’s attention to the problem of top-level corruption in the edutainment format (education + entertainment). Corruption Park will tell about corruption as a phenomenon, its history and successful cases of combating it.
During the press breakfast, we will tell how the Corruption Park will look like, where it will open, why the project is unique for Europe, which exhibits will be shown in the park, which interactive zones will be created and what to expect from the project.
The press-breakfast program includes:
- presentation of the idea of the Corruption Park, its concept and mission
- details of the first Corruption Park in Ukraine: preparation, exhibits, history, challenges, behind-the-scene
- informal communication during the coffee break.
Eka Tkeshelashvili, Head of the EU Anticorruption Initiative in Ukraine
Yaroslava Gres, CEO of Gres Todorchuk, project coordinator.
Date and time: 08/27/2018, from 9:30 to 12:00
Address: Kyiv, Boutishev Avenue, 23 (CEO Club).
Accreditation is required by the online form: https://goo.gl/forms/yUYdL8GgZYtDWL5a2
For additional information, please contact by phone (050) 381-32-36, Anastasia Demyanchuk, Gres Todorchuk