On September 21, 2021, the Steering Committee meeting of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) gathered in Kyiv. A discussion took place as to the progress in the anti-corruption field reached as a result of the cooperation between EUACI and its partners; the anti-corruption institutions, civil society organizations, investigative media and city administrations. The meeting was hosted by the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Mr. Denys Maliuska and the Ambassador of Denmark Mr. Ole Egberg Mikkelsen.
The meeting also drew attention to some of the challenges in the anti-corruption field. Many partners stressed the need to ensure transparent and merit-based selection of the leaders of the independent anti-corruption institutions and they expressed concerns as to current developments. The need for continuing support to capacity building and other support activities by the EUACI was emphasized.
Minister of Justice of Ukraine Denys Maliuska expressed his appreciation of the support provided by the EU and Denmark in the field of anti-corruption at a very important time for the anti-corruption institutions. He also emphasized the challenge of the selection of new heads of anti-corruption institutions.
The Head of the European Neighbourhood Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Lars Bo Moeller, noted that the progress of the anti-corruption reform is noticeable. He pointed to the fruitful cooperation between the EUACI and the anti-corruption actors in Ukraine as contributing to the progressed achieved.
Xavier Camus, Head of Operations Section "Good Governance and Rule of Law” of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, highlighted the achievements facilitated by the EUACI during the reporting period. Among them the development and penetration testing of the eCase Management System, which digitalizes the criminal procedures and connects NABU’s detectives, SAPO’s prosecutors and HACC’s judges.
The Head of EUACI Allan Pagh Kristensen outlined the major achievements and challenges that have emerged since the previous Steering Committee meeting. Substantial progress has been achieved in implementing IT-tools, developing strategies, providing thematic advice and expert support for various anti-corruption institutions. Now, the EUACI is more active than ever in its cooperation with EUACI’s five integrity city, providing a number of tools and support activities to promote integrity and close gaps for corruption. Particular attention was also paid to the support of the civil society and investigative media, whose capacity as watchdogs is being strengthened.
Allan Pagh Kristensen mentioned EUACI’s expert support regarding new premises for the High Anti-Corruption Court. In this regard he drew the attention to the issue of premises for the Court’s appeals chamber and urged the authorities to find an urgent solution to this matter.
The Steering Committee of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative meets twice a year. It provides a forum for discussion between the program's stakeholders. The list of all the members of the EUACI Steering Committee is on the link.