One of the participants of our project ‘Integrity Cities’, Mariupol, took the first place in Ukrainian Cities Transparency Ranking. The evaluation was carried out by the Ukrainian representative office of such reputable global anticorruption organization as Transparency International.
During two years Mariupol has managed to significantly improve its results, rising from 57 to 1 position since the ranking has been created. Now, according to all indicators, the city has 81.1 points out of 100. The ranking considers 90 indicators in 13 areas, including information on the work of local authorities, social services, education, housing policy, receiving grants and others.
In addition, Mariupol has received a number of recommendations on how to further improve its results.
The ranking is aimed at overcoming corruption in local self-government bodies.
As a part of its work, the EU Anti-Сorruption Initiative (EUACI) cooperates with the Integrity Cities – Chernivtsi and Mariupol. The authorities of these cities are ready to cooperate with activists and local residents in order to effectively implement anti-corruption measures.