The assignment concerns the continuation of development of an Information and Communication System (ICS) for the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), the Beneficiary that will facilitate information exchange with government bodies.

Ukrainian law allows the NABU direct access to automated information and reference systems, registries and data repositories held (administered) by central or local governments, and uses government communications, special communication networks and other technical means of communication.

The various government bodies that administer and/or hold state information resources employ different approaches and methods of information access. The NABU has to stay in tune with miscellaneous data formats and access requirements to external resources. This makes collection, processing and aggregation of data from different sources too time-consuming and frustrating for NABU’s users, as they have to forward inquiries related to the same object to nearly a dozen of external sources.

To address these problems, the NABU had to integrate access to databases on a single platform and to create an automated data collection system.

During the EUACI phase I, operational testing of ICS was conducted, including the building of ICS’s core and providing a connector for information exchange with the Pension Fund of Ukraine. However, this innovative solution is the first step to solving the problem of unified access to databases on a common platform and requires further development, which will include, but not be limited to the following: 

  • modernization and further expansion of the system's functionality;
  • creation of connectors to external data sources;
  • development of mechanisms for integration with NABU’s existing IT solutions;
  • development of end-to-end search mechanisms in the ICS DB.

The NABU needs further development of its ICS for collecting, processing, storing and disseminating large quantities of data relevant and important for its activities.

Capacity development achieved as a result of the implementation of this project represents a significant enhancement of NABU’s capacity to deliver on its mandate.

Tentatively, the ICS development process is expected to proceed through the following stages and project deliverables:

  1. Consultation and inception. In this first stage, the Beneficiary is expected to liaise with the Contractor, clarify the remaining questions, develop and sign a Statement of work.
  2. ICS development. Based on the previous stage, both the internal and external environments of the ICS will be built following the signed Statement of work. The Contractor is expected to present the designed ICS to the Beneficiary and incorporate the feedback during this stage.
  3. Setting up information exchange with data providers. In this stage, the ICS will be connected to government databases; the information exchange with government databases will be set up; connection to several data providers can be performed in parallel. The Contractor shall conduct training on the upgraded ICS practical usage for the Beneficiary’s end-users and operations and maintenance staff.
  4. Technical support during operational testing. The ICS is going to be tested by the Beneficiary. The Contractor shall provide technical assistance and bug fixes during the testing period and technical support for not less than 6 months after completion of the ICS development. 

The specific functional and technical requirements to be met are further described in the Terms of Reference.


The intended commencement date of the ICS development is 23 December 2021 in Kyiv. The estimated time for the development is about 14 months starting from signing the contract and the ICS shall be made operational by 31 December 2022.


The maximum budget available for the assignment is DKK 930,000 (equivalent to approximately EUR 125,000).

Deadline for applications: 8 November 2021, at 12:00, Danish time

Interested consultants can request the documents for participation by email to the contact person stated below. Proposals received after the deadline shall be rejected.

Contact point:

Name of Programme Officer: Serhii Kononenko, IT Expert 

E-mail address: [email protected]

Telephone: +380 97 226 49 50

Criteria for award of Contract:

Three applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender.